Human Design Readings
What is Human Design?
Human Design creates an energetic map of your soul and who you came here to be.
Human Design is the synthesis of four ancient, esoteric wisdom systems that human beings have been using to better understand themselves for centuries: the Chinese I Ching, the Jewish Kabbalah Tree of Life, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, and Western Astrology.
Together, using your exact birth date, time, and location, Human Design creates a personalized blueprint that shows you how you can more easily flow and manifest what is meant for you. It spells out the specific ways that your energy works and how you can step into your highest potential in every area of your life.
Despite its mystical origins, Human Design is a practical system that will equip you with tools you can apply in your day-to-day life—including how you communicate, make decisions, digest information, collaborate and lead teams.
If you’re ready for it, Human Design will initiate you into a deep remembering of who you are and what your purpose is during this lifetime. These are things that you likely intuitively know about yourself but haven’t given yourself full permission to be. Ultimately, Human Design will help you answer some of life’s biggest questions such as, “Who am I? What am I about? Where am I going?”
Human Design offerings
Individual reading
A deep-dive into your unique energetic makeup and how you are designed to move through the world.
Individual reading (90 min): $250
Partnership reading
A synthesis of two charts to understand how two people can better show up for each other in a business or personal relationship.
Partnership reading (120 min): $310
Please note prices include 2 hours of preparation time per chart.
You will receive a customized 25-page Google Doc of your chart as well as an audio recording of your reading for you to revisit on your own time.
Please reach out directly if you’d like to set up a reading for more than two people including families, work teams, birthday parties and other celebrations, etc.
A breakdown of a reading
What to expect
Human Design is framework to help you better understand yourself so you can live in energetic alignment.
When you sign up for a reading, you’ll let me know if there are any pertinent questions (general or specific) that you’d like me to see if your chart supports.
Ahead of the reading, I encourage you to find a quiet place without distractions to get the most from our session.
After the reading, you’ll receive an audio recording so you can revisit the wisdom we discuss during the call on your own time.
We’ll cover a lot of ground during your reading. At a high-level, you can expect to learn about…
Your energetic type, profile, strategy and authority
How you’re designed to interact with the world
The role you’re here to play in your community
How you can tune into your body to make big decisions
Your unique gifts, resources, and potential conditioning
Where you draw consistent energy from
Your unique gifts and the areas of life where they show up
Potential conditioning that may be holding you back from stepping into your intended path
Your soul’s purpose
Your soul’s intended purpose and how you’re meant to play it out during this lifetime
Who you are—both conscious and unconscious—and how you can manifest your highest potential
What people are saying
“What blows my mind is how Nadia truly, deeply cares for others and how she masterfully alchemizes this compassion into a magic carpet of personalized advice. This is something that just cannot be manufactured or learned, and the guiding-presence that results from it is pure gold.”
“I’ve never felt someone talk so closely with my soul and then translate it to my career. I truly believe everyone needs a Human Design reading, it was unlike anything I’ve ever done for myself.”
— M.R., Washington
“When I say my reading was eye-opening professionally, personally, psychologically, romantically—literally all of the ways—I am not exaggerating. I highly recommend booking a reading if you are at a crossroads and want to get back to who you are meant to be.”
“My reading was a true gift and delight. The in-depth conversation about my chart, unique gifts, and role in this lifetime validated (and shed more light on) nudges I've felt in my body and spirit for a long time. I felt seen, known, heard, and understood. Most importantly, I received support and encouragement to go after my dreams that align so perfectly with my design. Revisiting my chart and the recording are giving me the courage I need to shine my light from my Projector lighthouse. I know fear and self-limiting thoughts will walk along my path with me, side by side, but thanks to knowing myself a bit better, I'm unwilling to let that stop me from living my truth anymore.”
— L.L., 6/2 Projector
“I was so impressed with the family reading. Nadia's "way of being" is so perfect. She explained alot of our personalities and our strengths. It was like she knew us for decades.”
— L.B., 5/2 Manifesting Generator
“Nadia is so incredibly gifted, intelligent, open and safe. Thank you for all you poured into this reading, this experience was profound and one I will pull on for years to come.”
— N.A., 3/5 Manifesting Generator
“I was surprised by how much benefit there is to getting a reading versus just learning these things on your own. Nadia has such a beautiful way of painting a picture of your life, how your energy is meant to be experienced in this world, and how it all comes together at this moment in time. I had previously learned about many of the different components of my chart, but to allow someone to put it all together for you and just allow that information to sit in your body, felt really good.”
— M.O., 5/1 Manifesting Generator
“Nadia is a truly magical facilitator who is knowledgeable and makes information digestible in such a clear and easy light. She also has a lovely rapport that comes naturally and her demeanor puts people at ease. She shows up as her authentic self which allows us to do the same.”
— L.R., 3/5 Manifesting Generator
“The difference between getting a reading from Nadia and the one I had before was huge... I got so much more understanding and love from this reading. It was such a beautiful experience and helped me understand a lot about myself. I felt deeply seen.”
— P.A., 6/2 Projector
“Nadia saw me so deeply and truly gave me the biggest insight on my energy that I have ever received. The space she held for me was incredibly grounding, safe and expansive. I left the call feeling a full-body buzz, completely lit up and felt light as a feather. Her gift is incredible, the way she delivers the information resonated so deeply and felt so easy to grasp. I truly appreciate her support through the emotions that came to the surface. I felt safe to let it out, that in itself was a beautiful gift to receive. Also, having the recording of the call along with the PDF of my design has been incredibly helpful. I have referred back to it 3 times since our call and each time I feel like I have learned something new and it’s helped me embody so much in such a short amount of time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
— M.R., 3/5 Projector
“Nadia is clearly on her path & in her power, and I’m just really excited to see how her offerings grow & unfold as she continues to walk it. She is great at what she does!”
— M.C., 6/2 Manifestor
“More than anything, I feel as though I were part of a great throng of humans through the centuries, looking up at the skies and trying to make sense of this terrifying, sublime thing we are inhabiting in our bodies. Human Design felt connective with the self, but also with so many 'unseen' others.”
— E.L., 6/2 Generator
“Nadia was supportive, professional, personal, prepared and so natural in the reading. I felt so seen and held by this reading. It was like coming home and being welcomed by a friend.”
— F.C., 5/1 Manifesting Generator
“My reading felt incredibly thorough. Amazing pace. Fabulous learning and healing experience. Nadia went above and beyond by simply showing up and exuding her gifts/what was present for her. I felt supported, nurtured, and loved.”
— J.D., 3/5 Manifesting Generator
“Nadia is amazing. There were a couple moments of, “that’s exactly it!” where Nadia was able to verbally express my thoughts or emotions in a way I couldn’t find the words to articulate—which made me feel VERY seen, heard, and understood.”
— M.G., 6/2 Manifesting Generator
“I realized that some of my features that I have considered flaws are actually mechanisms of how I operate. I gained more appreciation and love for myself.”
— F.R., 6/2 Generator
New to Human Design?
Start with this introductory podcast series.
Frequently asked
Our lived experiences in our bodies can be so complex. We might spend a lifetime trying to find the right words to articulate our soul’s yearning and what we feel drawn to and why. Human Design gives us the words to bring us closer to self-understanding and help us better communicate to others what it means to be us. Don’t underestimate this power. It may take hearing your gifts and talents out loud to fully recognize them—gifts often go unnoticed when they come so naturally to you. Or you may be fighting all of the things that make you uniquely you, swimming upstream when all you have to do is step into your life’s energetic current and let things flow. Human Design identifies the things that make you, you. I’m so excited to see what happens in your life when your soul’s unique geometry is synthesized into one beautiful reading. The invitation is open for you to begin your own experiment with this wisdom when you feel called.
Human Design is one of many frameworks you can use to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and others. In my experience, its wisdom will call to you if/when you feel ready. If it doesn’t feel resonant with you at this time, trust that instinct. With that being said, there are a few reasons why I find Human Design to be so compelling at this moment in time:
Human Design is the synthesis of four different modalities of ancient wisdom: Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra system, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Human Design offers a unique depth of self-understanding while still remaining practical for day-to-day life.
Human Design reveals how you can make decisions by tuning into your own inner authority—the answer to all of life’s questions resides within you if you know how to access it. Your decision-making “authority” is also located within your body, not your mind. It is unbelievably powerful to equip yourself with the tools to drop into your body-based intelligence to make decisions. To move out of your head and into your body. To stop seeking externally and look within.
Human Design is self-affirming. The self-help industry is built on the assumption that you are broken and need tools to fix or change yourself. Human Design turns this assumption on its head. You are whole and perfectly designed exactly as you are. Sometimes we just need full permission to unapologetically step into our most authentic selves.
This system reveals that we are all vastly and beautifully differentiated, no two souls are alike. There is magic in honoring your own differences while holding space for the differences of those around you. Human Design has the potential to make us more compassionate parents, attuned leaders, present partners, and intentional friends.
This, my friend, is the same conundrum that I also faced. Most of the Human Design information available online is esoteric and difficult to navigate—that is why I created this business. Scheduling a one-on-one reading is the best way to fast track your understanding of your chart and start integrating its wisdom into your own life.
I’m a 4/6 Splenic Projector meaning I make intuitive decisions in the moment and I work best when I’m guiding people one-on-one. Being a Projector affects all aspects of my life, including my work. My energetic aura sees deeply into other people and I help guide them to recognize their highest potential. I also have a fully open Solar Plexus (where emotional and spirit energy is generated), and this helps me to guide people into emotional and spiritual alignment.
For my fellow Human Design nerds, my life path is the Right Angle Cross of the Maya and my conscious sun is gate 42, the gate of growth. My Ajna, Throat, Spleen, and Root are defined. I have the 17-62 channel of Acceptance and the 32-54 channel of Transformation.